A mission "friend"- So my second area, I meet a kids who is very passionate about everything. I was also passionate about a few things which made the potential for conflict high. I remember being on exchanges with this individual and having an argument during a discussion on caffeine. I looked at this missionary as a good guy, but never someone I thought would try to stay in touch with me. Eight years later, I get the magic email saying he has requested to be my friend on Facebook. I didn't know why he added me, but thought it was a nice gesture and gladly accepted. I posted my new blog on my FB account which I found out he read by an email he sent me.
"I think its very brave to come out the way you did. I personally think that as time goes on there will be more progresives in the church and it will become more and more accepted and people will just relize that love is love. Im sure you will get hate from mormons who look at it as so evil but people are starting to come around and we need good people in the church gay or straight who love Christ and love the goodness that the church teaches."I was so surprised to find this guy so loving and understanding. Someone I never thought I would hear from again turned out to be one of the most supporting people from the mission.
I could write about many other stories as of late where I am so far off the mark. Bad hires, best friends who left me when finding out I am gay, maybe someday, I will be spot on with figuring out who people are. For now, I will just take people for who they are day by day.