Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Coming out to Mom - The Countdown Begins

20 Days from now I will have been home in San Diego for a week and will be about to depart to my other home in Salt Lake. Within those 20 days, I hope to have come out to my mom. This will be a big step because then I will be out to pretty much everyone in my life except my clients and staff at work. And let's be honest, they don't need to know.

Any Advice for talking to my mom? Email first? Phone Call? Letter? Sit Down Face to Face? Don't do it all ;)?

Background too for those who may not know me as well...I am an LDS Convert, she is not LDS. My biggest fears are that she will be upset I have waited so long, or wonder if being gay is phase like she felt the church was, or that she will be disappointed. Part of me wonders if she knows, because I hear mom's always know, but I am not so sure.

Wish me luck!


  1. Many of my friends that came out to their parents usually got the "yeah I know but Im glad you finally told me" deal. I say do it face to face! It will be liberating and empowering for you!!! Good luck!!

  2. Not ever been in that situation I would not know what I would do.
    However,as a parent I would want my child to feel safe enough, and loved enough to sit down and share something like this with me in person.I think I would take it more serious and feel more respected to hear it face to face.
    Alot of things go out the window when it comes to your childs happiness.I pray that you will find that with your mother.Best of luck to you. Love you!!!
